Ludolf Brothers 2011

Ludolf Brothers 2011

keep fit MTB

keep fit MTB
keep fit 2b fast

domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Pistas de Minas Gerais

Matinolli`s dirt jump
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Com aproximadamente 11 horas de trabalho com trator e muitas horas de trabalho manual pesado
With approximately 11 hours of work with tractors and many hours of heavy manual labor

construimos a primeira reta de dirts no quintal da casa do Leo.


we built the first line of dirts in Leo's backyard .

Temos que construir ainda a segunda reta que é depois da escora.
Os jump`s são bem grandes
e ajudarão no desenvolvimento do esporte em MG.


Also we must build a second line that is after the burm.

The jump `s are very large and help develop the sport in Brazil.

No fim de tarde ainda temos a oportunidade de treinar algumas manobras no lake jump
In the evening we still have the opportunity to practice some triks at the lake jump

Text: Lucas Ludolf

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